by | Dec 21, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
If you were to ask families what impresses them most about an adult day center’s offerings the responses might be varied. But one guarantee is that most if not all will be concerned about the level of activity available in the center. If they perceive that...
by | Aug 12, 2014 | Blog, Training
There is no shortage of those in adult day care who prefer just to be left alone. Some would prefer to use the day for naps. The late Oscar Edwards pictured here preferred to spend his time occupying his own mind and was offended if you tried to interrupt his...
by | Jun 28, 2014 | Blog, Managing Relationships
Adult day care centers are true beacons of quality community based care. Small-scale and even larger assisted living programs also make meaningful contributions to care along the continuum. Due to the fact that both of these business models have evolved there are...
by | Apr 2, 2014 | Blog, Uncategorized
Fox Chase Adult Day Care, Inc. has a special commitment to its community. While its management respects the need to earn, their first and foremost concern is serving their community and that always transfers to something special. Follow them on Facebook…....
by | Aug 31, 2013 | Blog, Video
by | Aug 31, 2013 | Blog, Video
Direct Care Training & Resource Center informs you how to evolve your adult day care by gaining valuable partnerships.
by | Aug 14, 2013 | Blog, Training, Video
by | Aug 14, 2013 | Blog, Training, Video
In this video we discuss the value of the Personal Care Program that caters to non-program participants and provide our opinion on states such as Florida allowing adult day services in assisted living facilities.