If you were to ask families what impresses them most about an adult day center’s offerings the responses might be varied. But one guarantee is that most if not all will be concerned about the level of activity available in the center. If they perceive that program participants are being allowed to simply sit around and vegetate this will take away from any perceived quality previously assigned to the program.
Some programs hire quality focused, professional activity therapists. Some are required by licensing statute to do so. Others will send program aides to training to help them guide activities based upon the population’s interests and abilities. Others are lagging in this area without a consistent effort on which families and professional care coordinators can rely.
The solution is the new Adult Day Care Activities Broadcast Channel that will debut February 1, 2015 on a subscription basis for adult day care centers worldwide. There will be live streaming of activity sessions from 1/2 hour to 1 hour in length for dementia suffers, the mentally ill, the traumatically brain injured and the hearing impaired. There will be pre-recorded sessions and others conducted live.
Subscribers will be notified in advance of scheduled live events on a quarterly calendar. The monthly subscription rate is $7.95 per center. For those who are annual training and staff development product subscribers of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. their channel access is free of charge.
Even centers with activity professionals on the payroll can benefit from the diverse approach considering the sessions will be offered in:
- American Sign Language
- Arabic
- English
- Hebrew, and
- Spanish
In 2015 innovation must be what drives community based care across every hemisphere. Surely this will be a part of that aspiration.
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