Unknown to those who may not be in the business of adult day care, the program’s expenses extend beyond a meal and the everyday items associated with running a building. Of course there are liability coverages and the cost of transportation. Fleet management is not cheap.
For this very reason some providers learn that transportation is reimbursable via Medicaid dollars as is the service of adult day care, but fail to investigate the requirements. Some fear they will be accused of double-dipping and as a result not be able to bill for transporting their program participants. This is a big topic in Pennsylvania as we speak.

Many in the business of adult day care are hearing one thing or another from or regarding the PAC Authority and want to become a non-emergency Medicaid reimbursed transportation provider. This is understandable but there is an important caution: We need to obtain our information from the appropriate sources and it must be delivered in such a way that we can verify it is credible, or we could find ourselves pursuing that which does not exist and end up quite disappointed.
So do the homework, visit www.adultdaycaretraining.com often and let credible guidance impact your long-term success.
Penny for your thoughts!
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