Adult day services must promote heightened independence

As more and more adult day health care programs turn their attention to serving the most medically fragile among us with emphasis less on Medicaid dollars and more on reimbursement for rehabilitation and related more comprehensive services, the look of these centers is changing.  Many program participants have serious ambulation issues and are recovering from strokes and serious injury.

This makes center preparedness a critical element of clinically competent adult day care operations.  Sit-to-Stand devices allow for those with mobility on one side of their bodies to enjoy a degree of independence and a measure of dignity by pivoting to toilet, etc. with minimal staff help.   It eliminates a center from having to reject a person who needs help remaining medically stable after a hospital discharge simply because they cannot bear weight on both sides.


The right equipment and training can totally change a program’s level of effectiveness

These devices come as power lifts and hydraulic lifts with slings, all designed to promote an improved way of life.  Think about it:  A stroke sufferer leaves the hospital, heads to a nursing home for rehab and then home to family or maybe assisted living.  When they attend an adult day program – if it really represents care along the continuum – that program should be equipped to help them prevent wounds and enjoy a degree of wellness, promoted by having the right equipment in place.

Current and prospective adult day care providers should make a concerted effort to serve the entire person.  For some this might involve a degree of program refinement. In the end your community will be better served, your partnerships with hospitals and other members of the long-term care community will strengthen and families will come to see that you really represent legitimate, plan of care driven assistance.  Otherwise you could be looked upon as nothing but a babysitting service and that is simply not clinical.

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