Adult day health care programs continue to be the dynamos of community based care. They promote family unity, consistent medical attention and medical stability among its participants.
Some question whether or not they may have the right personality mix to operate such a program. This is a viable question. The progressive program has a very involved owner who engages on a regular basis with the families of those they service.
They also engage with independent case managers and care managers within other referring agency types who need to know how the program is serving those they care about or whose care they manage. The person most comfortable sitting in the office maneuvering paper might not be the one who can successfully interact with those who need to hear how your program is functioning or who need to see you personally involved with program participants.
And then there is the conversation before a person is enrolled. Let’s face it we also have to be salespeople and that requires a willingness to define our program’s advantages and why we may be superior to others operating in our area. Are you comfortable with that process? Do you feel you have the confidence?
Of course all of us can grow into roles we need to. This requires strong mentoring, a commitment to adaptability and a willingness to be what the situation requires us to be.
So maybe its not for everyone, but then again, what is?
and share your thoughts.
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