Some things are earned after performing and that crucial item about which we speak today is trust. In 1995 a gentleman came into our adult day care and respite center and asked for Bruce. He left his wife with a check and told us he would not be returning, as he would be dead soon. He told us his sons had our number and were coming to town and that he was enroute to a hospital for some pain relief. He was suffering from terminal cancer. His wife’s name was Mary who is pictured here.
We enrolled her into the adult day care program and she would sit and sing as best as her Parkinson’s disease would allow. At night she stayed in the respite program upstairs and if memory serves us correctly she was with us 21 days. Her husband, by the way, died 12 days after her admission.
A local priest had referred her to us, knowing we would treat her with compassion, dignity and skill. We had earned the trust of the local faith-based community. It was earned through a reputation of hard work and person-centeredness.
Yes you need the best looking, well-worded brochure the market can generate. However, none of those items will ever compare to the value of the reputation you will earn after managing a clinically competent, reliable adult day services program.
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