“Elderly and Disables Waiver members living in ALS facilities may receive services at an Adult Day Health Services Facility for up to 2 full days per week.” Revised 10/2013. – This was taken from the Adult Day Health Services Policy and Procedures Manual for the State of Georgia (USA) published most recently October 1, 2014. The very language is music to the ears of many.

While many assisted living programs do an outstanding job engaging residents to the best of their ability, others simply allow residents to sit and vegetate.
Adult day care advocates have longed worked for such an arrangement all over the world. It is well known that many in assisted living residences are not being helped to maximize their range of social ability, but they need that attention. Additionally, a more structured approach to certain aspects of rehabilitation can be enhanced in medical model adult day health programs. Of course no one doubts the value of a change of scenery upon the psyche of everyone, including those with a level of dementia.
Since assisted living providers have long been reluctant to participate in anything for residents that would create a loss of revenue for them, provisions such as this one are easily welcomed by all. It guarantees at least two, (2) full days in a different environment during peak hours of the day.
Perhaps the real discussion should be about whether or not care along the continuum should encompass a variety of approaches, especially participation in clinical initiatives within the adult day care arena. After all, we cannot enlighten with a dark, prehistoric approach to community based care. However, when we combine quality approaches to reach the goal of participant fulfillment, everyone wins.
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