America is known for the creation of entrepreneurs; those business owners that excite neighborhoods and often provide wonderfully arranged and needed services.  The care business, from group living to adult day care is no exception.

At the same time it is not unusual for many who seek to enter the business of care to run into a wall of discouragement for reasons they know all too well.  What are those reasons?  Generally they have to do with a lack of preparedness, including in areas of capitalization.

Many may count the cost in other areas of life down to the milisecond but thanks to that ole entrepreneurial ambition and optimism, some may be blinded from accepting certain business associated realities, especially among start-ups.  Among those realities are:

  1. Knowing Regulatory Requirements and Putting a System in Place to Comply
  2. Arranging the Required Finances to See the Project Through in its Entirety

PIC - BUSINESS FINANCINGOf course, if we made mistakes that force us to realize we ignored either of the above elements, it is still not a basis to give up.  Quitters never win and winners never quit!  It should simply serve as a reminder that our re-approach has to consider elements we may have ignored in the past in order to avoid discouragement and regret next time around.  Seeking professional guidance will likely have value as well.  Perhaps a lot more reading will be involved, an embrace of technical policy we find boring, etc. but true entrepreneurism is about commitment.

Just remember we need business creators energized, not discouraged!!  So let’s do what it takes early on so the ride is a much smoother one.

Stay tuned for Blog Posts coming by August 15, 2016:

  1. Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois Home Care and Group Living Providers Have New Online Portal to Schedule Live Worker Instruction/Training in Over 10 subjects
  2. Some important Pointers for Medicaid Waiver Providers
  3. Medicare and Adult Day Care:  A Marriage Long Overdue

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Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth

Nursing Home Administrator Innovation

Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies

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Contact the blogger:  info@directcaretraining.com