Once some staff develop their own approach to important tasks – no matter how wrong – it can be almost impossible to reverse it.

Every business has tons of processes needed to get things done.  Adult day care centers are not exempt from this operating reality.  These processes must be managed with real consistency if they are to be effective and staff training is no different.  Why? People forget, they pick up new habits or adapt to ways of doing thing that may represent convenience but not good policy.  With some the lines can soon be blurred and their way – in their minds – becomes the right way to get things done.

This is a dangerous approach, especially when serving those with Alzheimer’s disease.  We need to stick to meaningful, dignified, safe, kind processes for rendering care and supervision.  How do we regularly reinforce the appropriate way to execute tasks associated with operating an adult day care center?  How do we avoid creating undue liability with a lackluster approach to equipping people to do their jobs?

The solution is:  Having a regular program of consistent staff training and development.

Think about receiving an email that asks:  “Is everyone up-to-date on Disease Prevention:  Blood Borne Pathogens?”  or, “As you think about all of PIC - SUPRISED WOMAN AT COMPUTERyour encounters the previous 3 months, can you see the value of the continuing education course, How Best to Deal with Difficult People?”  These email reminders from Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. help providers to chart a course for ongoing staff development and since they are available as part of an annual subscription, no worries about what this product or that product might cost.  New courses are developed multiple times per year and after final edit they are provided to subscribers.

As with any important tasks, reminders make life easier for those who worry about having a polished operation and everyone wants to accomplish this with the best products available.  If you were to ask nurse Danny Kallush of Pennsylvania who is director of nursing for an adult day program he would tell you, “these products bring such incredible simplicity that any adult day care staff can benefit.”

Adult day programs have such clinical variations today.  Many are focused on long-term rehabilitation while others employ electronics and other mechanisms to stimulate and occupy those who use their services.  When all of this has to be accomplished under one umbrella staff cannot miss a beat when it comes to performing for those being served.  Pieces must come together in order for your service product to be well-received, clinically competent and effective.

On-Line lectures and interactive presentations scheduled for December 2014 on a variety of subjects will add to the knowledge library for adult day care operators.  These are free to annual subscribers of education products, a small fee for others.  The subjects are:

Tuesday – December 2, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. EST ● The Power of Rehabilitative Intervention
Thursday – December 4, 2014 – 9:30 a.m. EST ● The Intergenerational Roadmap for Adult Day Care Programs
Monday- December 8, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. EST ● The Value of Technology in Care
Tuesday – December 9, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. ● Medication Administration and Security – Protocol and Liability Reduction


Sessions on January 22nd for Care Delivery Staff and on the 23rd for Administrative Staff, Owners and Prospective Owners.

For providers on the east coast a series of training presentations are scheduled for January 2015 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for both Front-line Direct Care Staff and Administrative Personnel covering such important subjects as:

  1. Medication Administration and Security Protocol – a New Hire Must
  2. Becoming the Kind of Clinical Partner a Hospital Can Rely Upon
  3. Pathogen Control in Every Adult Day Care Task

These live events will stimulate, inform and educate.  While there will eb six, (6) hours of continuing education available for current adult day care providers, there will be much to learn for prospective providers and those developing progams as well.

This blog is devoted to excellence in adult day care and its changing approach to keeping more people out of the less dignified, institutional care.  By ensuring we can recruit the best people and then investing into their growth, our commitment to excellence is obvious and our success virtually guaranteed.

and share your thoughts.


PIC - LINKEDIN IMAGEFor more on adult day health care evolvement and the synergy between assisted living and adult day services join the LinkedIn.com Groups:
Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth

Nursing Home Administrator Innovation

Small Scale Assisted Living Success Strategies

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Contact the Blogger:  info@www.adultdaycaretraining.com

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