It would be nice if we could deny it but its true. Among us does exists adult day care centers without clinical acumen, without a relaxing, safe, plush physical design and that appear to be no more than human warehouses. Within some even the food is mediocre. The operators are thrilled with the income, often coming from the public trough, and rarely if ever do they make large decisions to improve their programs in meaningful ways. Its sad. Really sad. People ask everyday, “how do these slick operators get away with it?”.
Well some develop a niche by serving a particular population and the ethnicity of the ownership draws people of a certain national origin. In other instances there simply is not a better program within the proximity of the sub-standard center that would rise to better meet the needs of the medically fragile, catastrophically injured or otherwise disabled population.
Adult day care is not unlike any other business model. The substandard center cannot survive when the properly financed, clinically committed, environmentally alert entrepreneur steps up and develops throughout America and the world the kind of centers that make people go WOW! These centers would have to be a cut above what some have come to accept as the norm.
Key ingredients include consistent, specialized training for all care staff that really contributes to keeping people medically stable within their communities. This will lead to more meaningful partnerships with hospitals and physician groups and family caregiving will see real quality relief. Institutional placement will be postponed longer if not eliminated and adult day care program participants in these improved centers will dine in plush surroundings in a program that is equipped to respond to all of their needs.
Only a certain kind of entrepreneur can accomplish this; the one who rises above the mediocre approach. And yes we know you are out there. We know you will buy the resources that educate you on what quality in adult day care is. If you are already in business we know you will continue to seek professional guidance as you work to be and remain the very best you can be.
Read more about how quality is defined and how some centers are missing the mark in The Complete Guide to Success in Adult Day Health Care.
For more insights about adult day care on a regular basis join the group: Adult Day Care Innovation & Growth.
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