Ignoring the need for Quality Training Establishes a Basis for Failure

As universal as adult day care is, there are still varying requirements based upon where you operate.  This includes different parts of the United States and other countries we serve including Canada, New Zealand and Australia.  While some requirements are truly universal including the need to report suspected abuse or neglect, others may vary.  This includes what has to be documented in incident reports, specific responsibilities of staff and there are variations in client rights from one place to another, even though there are typically similarities.

These factors are among the reasons we favor a more customized approach.  Some subjects we prepare can be used by anyone such as Managing Meaningful Activity Sessions for Program Participants while others such as the following course prepared for providers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania focuses on specifics associated with that state covering:  Positive Approaches to Managing Challenging Behaviors and Specific Staff Responsibilities.  Click here to listen to the mini-course.  For our annual subscribers, each course is private labeled for their business.

Our goal is not a complex one.  We want to ensure that those rendering care in adult day care programs have the right mindset and the right approach to their duties.  Such professional uniformity contributes to a more fulfilling experience for program participants and lessened liability for adult day care providers.

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