Many desire to enter the world of care.  Often they feel drawn to it as a result of their nurturing nature. This is commendable considering the number of things that can impact our lives from accident, injury to serious illness.  We are “our brother’s keeper”.  Some turn to other entrepreneurs in the same or similar business and seek direction to enter the market place only to hear the most negative things which amount to no more than discouragement.

An incredible number of smaller care providers refuse to offer advice of any type to those contemplating entering the same business.  Perhaps this is rooted in some insecurity but it is a fact many will attest to.

Beyond this reality is another pressing danger:  Allowing rumor to damage your entrepreneurial ambitions.  A good example might be the talk that there is a moratorium on the opening of new adult day care centers in the State of New York.  While there was such talk at one time, even the legislator who proposed it in the midst of fraud surrounding some centers has backed down from the fight.  Click Here for relevant information.

PIC - GOSSIPER MALEWhat happens in far too many instances is simply that someone takes half of a story,  never bothers to follow through, spreads it like gospel truth and before long its law in the minds of many; at least in the minds of those who are willing to allow non-facts to affect our plans.

It really is urgent that we be careful allowing these items to rain on our parades. Life is too short to be victimized by the negative but it will happen if we let it.

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Information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief at the time of publication.  We cannot be held liable in the event there is a policy or other change about which we were not aware before this blog post was completed.  Photos used are just to make a point and may belong to their respective licensees. They must never be received as an indication of the support or endorsement of or by or affiliation with any individual or organization.